Welcome to Spring, 2023!

This is the main website for the course. Welcome! Please see the tabs near the top of the screen. For day-to-day activities, due dates, etc., there is a tab especially for online students. This semester there is only the online section. Please let me know of any questions, and I hope you find the course enlightening.

Feel free to read the short story I just generated using ChatGPT, in the posting below! (Not required!)


A short story with an ethical theme, by ChatGPT (as told to D. Berleant)

DB: Can you write a short story with an ethics theme?

ChatGPT: ONCE upon a time, in a small village nestled in the mountains, there lived a young girl named Ada. Ada was known for her kind heart and her strong sense of right and wrong. One day, while walking through the village, Ada came across an old man who was struggling to carry a heavy load of firewood. Without hesitation, Ada offered to help the man carry the wood to his home.

As they walked, the old man told Ada of his troubles. He explained that his son, who was the only one who could help him with the heavy work, had recently passed away and he was struggling to make ends meet. Ada listened with a heavy heart, and knew that she had to do something to help.

That night, Ada went to the village council and proposed that a system be put in place to help the elderly and disabled members of the community with their heavy chores. The council was hesitant at first, but Ada’s passion and determination won them over and they agreed to implement her plan.

Word of Ada’s kindness and generosity spread quickly throughout the village, and soon other young people were volunteering to help their elderly and disabled neighbors. The community was stronger and happier for it, and Ada’s actions served as a shining example of the importance of empathy and ethical behavior.

Ada’s act of kindness not only helped the old man but also helped the whole community to come together and help each other. It was a small act of kindness with a ripple effect that changed the village forever.

DB: Then what happened?

ChatGPT: As the years passed, Ada’s plan continued to help the elderly and disabled members of the village. Many lives were improved because of her actions and the community continued to thrive. Ada’s reputation as a compassionate and ethical person only grew stronger, and she became a respected leader in the village.

Ada’s actions also inspired other young people to volunteer and get involved in the community, which helped to build a strong sense of community spirit. The village council recognized her contributions and Ada was awarded the title of “Community Hero”.

As Ada grew older, she continued to be a positive influence in the village. She passed on her strong sense of ethics and compassion to the next generation and her legacy lived on. The village continued to thrive and be a shining example of a community that cares for one another.

Years later, long after Ada had passed away, the village built a statue in her honor, as a reminder of her selfless act of kindness and the positive impact it had on their community. Her story was passed down from generation to generation, inspiring others to follow in her footsteps and make a difference in the world.

DB: Then what happened?

As the village continued to grow, the system Ada put in place to help the elderly and disabled members of the community became a model for other villages and towns. Many communities started to adopt similar programs, and the idea of helping one’s community spread throughout the region.

With the help of the local government, Ada’s plan was expanded to include more people in need, such as single parents and low-income families. The program was successful in reducing poverty and improving the quality of life for many people in the region.

As the program expanded, Ada’s name became well-known throughout the region and she became a symbol of compassion and selflessness. Her story was featured in local newspapers and even a national magazine.

Years passed, and the village continued to evolve, but the memory of Ada and her kindness was never forgotten. Every year on the anniversary of Ada’s act of kindness, the village holds a celebration in her honor, where they remember her legacy and the positive impact it had on the community.

Ada’s story continued to be an inspiration to many, her selfless act of kindness had a ripple effect that lasted for generations, changing not only her village but also the surrounding communities, and making the world a better place.

DB: What happened after that?

ChatGPT: After that, Ada’s story and the program she started continued to be an inspiration to many people in the region, encouraging others to follow in her footsteps and make a difference in their own communities.

The program she started, which helped the elderly and disabled, as well as single parents and low-income families, became a national model and was eventually implemented in cities and towns across the country.

Ada’s legacy lived on as her story was taught in schools as an example of how one person can make a difference in the world and inspire others to do the same. Many young people in the village and beyond were motivated by her story to volunteer and get involved in their own communities, helping to make the world a better place.

As the years passed, Ada’s village continued to thrive and be a shining example of a community that cares for one another. Her statue was still standing there and people continued to visit and pay their respects to Ada, and her act of kindness that changed the village and the surrounding communities forever.

Ada’s selfless act of kindness was a reminder that one person can make a difference and inspire others to do the same, creating a ripple effect that can change the world for the better.

DB: Please Continue

ChatGPT: As time went by, the program Ada started became a well-established organization, with dedicated staff and resources to help even more people in need. The organization expanded its reach and started to provide assistance to people in different areas such as education, healthcare and housing.

Many people who were helped by the organization went on to become successful and independent, and they in turn started to give back to the community. They volunteered their time, skills, and resources to help others, keeping Ada’s legacy alive.

Ada’s story also inspired many young people to pursue careers in social work, nonprofit management, and community development. Some of these young people went on to become leaders in these fields, working to improve the lives of people in their own communities and beyond.

As a result of Ada’s selfless act of kindness, the community became a place where people look out for each other, and where everyone has a chance to succeed. The village was no longer a place where the elderly, disabled, or low-income families struggle alone, but a place of support, compassion and unity.

The village where Ada once lived became a shining example of what a community can achieve when it works together, and Ada’s legacy lived on, inspiring people for generations to come. Her story was a reminder that a small act of kindness can create a ripple effect that can change the world.

DB: Then what happened?

As the years went on, the organization that Ada started continued to grow and evolve, adapting to the changing needs of the community. It became a national organization with branches in different cities, providing aid and assistance to people in need all over the country.

The organization was recognized for its work and was awarded numerous grants and awards for its contributions to society. It was also invited to share its successful program with other countries, and it began to help people in need in other parts of the world as well.

Ada’s legacy continued to inspire people all over the world, her story was told in books, articles, and documentaries, and her name became synonymous with selflessness and compassion. Her statue was now a tourist attraction, and people came from all over the world to visit the village where she lived and hear her story.

As the organization continued to grow and make a difference in the lives of people all over the world, it never forgot its roots and the young girl who started it all. It honored Ada by naming its headquarters after her, and a scholarship was established in her name, to help young people who wanted to pursue careers in community service.

Ada’s story continued to inspire people to do good in the world, her selfless act of kindness had a ripple effect that lasted for generations, making the world a better place for all.